
Refund Policy

Yes, our financial platform accepts refund policy. It's important to understand how Moti Zadainvestments handles cryptocurrency transactions to ensure any returns reach the sender's account.
Moti Zadainvestments does not support cryptocurrency being returned directly to an address it was sent "from" (in the cryptocurrency world, we call these input addresses).
When a Moti Zadainvestments user sends cryptocurrency from their wallet, the address it comes "from" is one of Moti Zadainvestments many hot wallet addresses. Any crypto sent back to that address would be sent to Moti Zadainvestments , not your own wallet.

For returns being sent back to a Moti Zadainvestments customer, you can:
Send the return back to the sender's registered Moti Zada email address and our system will match this to their account.
Ask the sender to sign in, go to a crypto currency wallet of their choice, and generate a new address by selecting Receive.
Ask the sender to provide a wallet address from their Moti Zadainvestments account, each address here is capable of receiving and matching a refund. Once you have a cryptocurrency or email address provided for refund, you can send the funds.

Please note, Moti Zadainvestments only supports receiving specific cryptocurrencies. Any cryptocurrency that is sent to the wallet address of another cryptocurrency will be lost (if you send BTC to a BCH wallet address, these funds will not be recoverable).
If the party you are trying to return funds to is not using Moti Zadainvestments , you will need to reach out to them directly in order to get an address that can accept returns.

How do I refund a customer

Self Managed Commerce merchants
Open the transaction you’d like to refund and click Refund payment.
Enter your password phrase.
Click Confirm Refund.

Note that you should never share your password with anyone. Anyone who has possession of your seed password can authorize moving cryptocurrency, therefore it's critical to keep your Password secure.
Important: You will not be able to cancel a refund, so it’s important that you get the correct destination address.

What happens if I send a refund to the wrong destination address?

Moti Zadainvestments will not be able to recover funds sent to the wrong address. Please confirm the destination address with your customer before sending funds to the address.

Why doesn’t Moti Zadainvestments automatically refund to the same address as the original payment?

If your customer paid using an account on an exchange, we can’t guarantee that the funds would be returned to the correct person. Also people sometimes lose access to their wallets, so it’s best to confirm where they would like the funds deposited. The address must be for the same cryptocurrency in which the original transaction was paid. What happens if I send a refund to the wrong destination address? Moti Zadainvestments will not be able to recover funds sent to the wrong address. Please confirm the destination address with your customer before sending funds to the address.

Signed By Management.

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Any question? Reach out to us and we’ll get back to you shortly.